10 Fun Ways To Stay Sane Under Quarantine

Quote of The Day: “Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;”

~Doctrine & Covenants 58:27′

Goblet of Gratitude:

I am grateful that I have loving and supportive friends and family members who consistently remind me to progress and to learn new skills and good habits.

Art by Liza Coleman, Quote by Deiter F. Uchtdorf

Tender Mercies:

Several weeks ago, I was going through a very emotionally trying time. It was the anniversary of a dear friend’s passing, and I was feeling very shut down. I couldn’t seem to properly grieve and I was numbing out the pain of the loss by disconnecting emotionally. ( A tactic which never works). While I was in the midst of emotional turmoil and deep emptiness, my sweet sister-in-law walked through the door. She had just returned from the grocery store and had the kindness and generosity to bring back a carton of chocolate ice cream for me. It may seem like a small thing, but that simple act of kindness brought me comfort and joy not just because of the gift, but because of the actual act of giving. In that moment, I was given a sweet reminder (pun intended), that I am not alone and that I am loved.

So on the note of gratitude and sweetening life, here’s a list of 10 things you can do to make the most of quarantine:

  1. Write in your journal.

You don’t have to write a lot. You don’t even need a physical journal (although I recommend having a hard copy that you can carry with you). Whether you already keep a steady journal or have never written a single entry, write! Jot down thoughts and ideas. Write about the people you admire. Take a moment to express gratitude for something or someone in your life. Vent frustrations. Write a break-up letter to Coronavirus. It doesn’t matter what you write, just start. There is comfort and healing in writing, and in a way, it can help you to broaden your perspective and lighten your burdens.

2) Draw!

Art also has a healing a lightening quality that we often take for granted. Whether you are a professional artist or a strict doodler, pick up a piece of paper (or a tablet/electronic drawing device) and go crazy! Scribble! Attempt a still life! Draw a self-portrait! And don’t criticize it. It doesn’t have to get posted to social media. You don’t have to show your work to anyone. Don’t compare it to anyone or anything. Simply draw without fear of comparison.

3) Learn a new song!

Now that we’re all separated from co-workers and the general taste of society, take the opportunity to seek out new music that you love. (Not just because it’s catchy or because everyone else says its cool.) Find a song that speaks to your soul; something that brings you joy and comfort and is delightful to listen to. Then learn it! If you play an instrument, learn to play your new song on your instrument. If you sing, learn the words and sing it. If you want a challenge, learn to play it on a new instrument or sing the harmony. You may be surprised by what you gain through this experience.

4) Have A Picnic!

No matter where you are or what’s going on in the world, a picnic is sure to brighten your day! Take a break from the ordinary by changing the way you plan your next meal. Instead of grabbing a quick snack to gobble up while you work or sitting in the same seat you always sit in, eating the same thing you always eat, shake it up! If weather permits, go outside, maybe just to your backyard or balcony or even the porch and lay out a blanket and your meal. The food doesn’t have to be fancy. In fact, it’s best if it’s simple: A sandwich with peanut butter and jam or an apple and a water bottle. But this is important, take your time. Bask in the sunlight. Breathe in the fresh air. Or if you are not able to have an outdoor picnic, find a place on the living room floor to lay out your meal. No electronics. Set aside your phone and computer. Turn off the television and simply enjoy the company of family or the quiet and peaceful nature of solitude.

5) Learn A New Game!

Nope. I don’t mean that you ought to go and buy a new game for your phone, computer, or console. If you have playing cards, learn to play a new game with them. Maybe break out that zany board game your family gave you last Christmas. Or better yet, learn a game that doesn’t require stuff! If you have kids, ask them if they have game they want to teach you. Maybe even make up a new game to play together! Have fun with it! Be silly. Ask an older relative to teach you a game they played in their childhood. Or learn the actual rules to a game that you already play and see what happens when you apply them. No house rules.

6) Learn A New Skill.

You don’t have to do anything drastic. But maybe now is the time to learn to crochet or to learn how to make that birdhouse you’ve been wanting to build. Think about those things that you’ve said you “can’t” do. Maybe you think you can’t sew. Or you might think that algebra is beyond your comprehension. Whatever your”can’t” is, now is the time to prove whether that statement is true or not. Perhaps you cannot currently embroider a perfect sampler, but you don’t have to be perfect. Even if you learn how to build a shelf and it doesn’t look Pinterest perfect, you’ll have gained knowledge and upped your skill. Think about it, if you put as much time and determination into leveling up your skills and talents in reality as you would in the virtual world, you might actually end up saving the world! (Or at least some part of it). You never know until you try.

Try out this Kanzashi Rose Tutorial by clicking the link below!

How To Make A Kanzashi Rose

7) Read A New Book!

When we read good books, everyone benefits. We benefit by learning new principles or new perspectives and everyone else benefits from our words and actions that come as a result of reading. This is true not only of designated self-help and how-to books but also of fiction and non-fiction. You might learn a new word from a fiction book and you could learn something about your own history through a non-fiction work. Or, you might receive new, interesting perspectives through an otherworldly fantasy novel. You might even be reminded about old ideas that never came to fruition. There is power in knowledge and reading is an excellent way to gain that power in your personal life.

8) Go On A Nature Walk

Three Sisters National Park Evergreen, CO

If you are in a position to safely do so, find a nature park to go to and take a walk. If that is not possible for you at the present, use what means are available to you. If you have a yard, go out and walk in it for a while. For those in apartments without balconies or yards, open a window and focus on whatever nature is visible. Note the plants, the rocks, and the animals and take time to really appreciate the beauty and wide variety life.

9) Call A Friend Or Family Member

This applies to introverts as well as extroverts. In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to focus only on the fear, anxiety, and our own personal needs and struggles. But we need to be better than that. Think about a friend or family member that you might not have spoken to recently. Maybe there’s someone who you know is struggling with solitude or with other issues. Call them! Don’t trick yourself into postponing based on the belief that they are too busy with their own trouble to answer a call. If that is the case, you will find out. But make the call. Ask them about their needs and their struggles. Learn how you can be of assistance. There is a special kind of healing that comes when you move your focus from your own seemingly insurmountable problems to the resolution of others’ difficulties.

10) Dance!

Yup! This sounds ridiculous, but I can attest to the relevance of dancing to sanity. We’re all encouraged to exercise, but for some, exercise is too daunting of a word, a word that entails pain and stress as well as the need to compare. But dancing is a joyful exercise! It’s totally customizable! You can dance for as long or as short of a term as you desire. You can learn anything from ballroom dance to zumba. Or, you can simply make up your own dance. Whichever you choose, you’ll be able to release pent up energy and enjoy the healing exercise.

Well, that’s it for now. Ten fun things to keep your sanity during quarantine!

Thanks a bunch for reading and I hope you’ll all stay healthy, safe, sane, and happy!

Stay tuned fro more from RiseShineButterflies and don’t forget to check out the shop linked below!


Published by ladylight24

I am a 23 year-old baker, crafter, jeweler, artist, writer, designer and homemaker. I love light and cherish the simple things in life. I am mostly housebound by chronic illness, so I strive to share light, knowledge and creativity via the internet and social media. Since I am mostly unable to serve outwardly through physical labor and visiting, I devote my time to learning and applying ways to provide emotional comfort and to the spreading of light and knowledge. My motto comes from an ecclesiastical leader whom I love and respect: Thomas S. Monson. He said, "Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty." I hope to be an example of this joyful truth in all that I do and say. Follow me on the other platforms linked below: Shop: Etsy.com/shop/RiseShineButterflies https://hubpages.com/@butterfliesnroses Instagram: phoenixrise21 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rise-Shine-Butterflies-113188446713131/

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